KSC Launch Viewing with Car Pass
The rules, the rules, the rules.......
Temp Note: To all coming to the space coast for the launch of the Artemis 1, SLS/Orion: NASA sent this link to everyone about traffic after the launch, but there is really good information
If you have a KSC Badge & obtain a car pass, you must follow the instructions provided. Or be escorted away...
(Kids and I watched a lot of shuttle launches from the Causeway) and now the grandchildren are looking forward to the SLS rocket launches, Artemis, Orion and return to the moon!
I took this photo when we moved the Artemis 1 to the beach launch pad for the final time (That is what all the documents state)
Beautiful Florida Morning
Photo Credit: NASA
Update: the pre dawn SpaceX launch was one of the best launches since the ending of the shuttle program.
Waiting for the sonic boom of re entry
Consider "Pre arranged" Parking spots for Launch Viewing: the Viewber Club
Warnings are serious
Note: the following instructions are the same if you are not a KSC employee but get a car pass for NASA Causeway OR ride one of the buses to a rocket viewing.
My comment: I find this pass funny.
Technically there is No West causeway viewing site. Not sure if someone got east and west mixed up.
Great launch though!
Employee Viewing Site: NASA Causeway, Kennedy Space Center
KSC Gates Open / Close: 4:30 pm /6:00 pm
General Guidelines
CAR PASSES ARE NON-TRANSFERABLE. If you are unable to use your car pass, you must return it to the NASA Outreach Office/PX-O (or your local POC, if you are not from KSC) as soon as possible, so it can be reassigned to another employee. Once you sign for a car pass, you are responsible for it (includes loss). Giving it to someone else to use is prohibited.
NASA civil servants obtaining a car pass must be in a non-duty status and have time-off approved from their supervisors on the day of launch. Other employees should follow the time and attendance policy set for by their employer.
The location of the viewing site (and any special instructions or directions) is identified on a map provided on back side of the car pass. Car passes are specific to each viewing site. Do not attempt to travel to another launch viewing site.
Prior to arriving at the launch viewing site at KSC, visit https://go.nasa.gov/2GEhpLT (case sensitive) for any updates to the launch date or time, changes to the viewing site location, or other information that may impact launch viewing. When you arrive at KSC, pay close attention to directional signs and detours when arriving at the launch viewing site.
Access to the viewing site may be denied if you do not arrive during the time specified on the car pass. Car pass holders must arrive at least 30 minutes prior to the launch window opening. For TESS, gates close at 6:00 P.M.
Upon entering KSC, you must drive directly to the viewing site. Detouring off the main roadways to other areas on the way to the viewing site is NOT permitted. Do not enter any facilities or restricted areas. Drive-around tours of KSC or CCAFS are strictly prohibited.
My Parker Soar Probe, no launch story. (It happens)
(Rules continued)
Guest limitations:
o Vehicles should NOT seat more than 8 people (employee plus up to 7 guests)—and may not exceed vehicle’s legal capacity.
o Guest must be either U.S. citizens or legal permanent residents only.
o Vehicles may NOT be RV’s, campers, or commercial vehicles. No government vehicles are allowed.
In addition to Florida Law which requires all drivers and front seat passengers to use safety belts when the vehicle is in motion; KSC policy requires all drivers and all passengers in the front and back seats, regardless of age, to use safety belts when the vehicle is in motion. All persons under 18 years old are required to be restrained by a safety belt or child restraint device.
Hazards are inherent in viewing a launch. It is imperative that groups stay within controlled areas, stay together and strictly follow all instructions provided by Security and the launch viewing site staff.
Quick Tips for a Safe and Enjoyable Launch Viewing Experience
A car pass is required to enter KSC with guests. A lost or forgotten car placard cannot be replaced – no exceptions.
A car pass does not permit access to other viewing sites, the Press Site, or the KSC Visitor Complex.
This viewing site will be staffed with a Command Post, and with security and medical personnel.
Immediately report any safety or security concerns to the Command Post.
Keep your group together near your vehicle.
Follow the directions provided over the public announcement system.
Food and beverage vendors will NOT be on-site. A small cooler with drinks and snacks is recommended.
Port-a-lets are available.
Use bug spray / sunscreen, if needed. Consider bringing hand-sanitizer.
Drink plenty of fluids. Drinks with caffeine and sugar not recommended.
Arrive with a sufficient amount of gas in your vehicle.
Mars launch!
(Rules continued)
Security and Safety Regulations
The following items are prohibited at the launch viewing site: Weapons and firearms, drugs, alcohol, fireworks, grills, fires, luggage, large bags, beach umbrellas, solicitation or selling, swimming, wading, fishing, and feeding/disturbing the wildlife. Pets are not permitted at KSC. (I saw pets snuck in for the 3am Parker Solar Launch)
The following items are permitted: lawn chairs, folding chairs, blankets/towels, hand-held umbrellas, cameras, cell phones, food, drinks, and coolers. All items are subject to search by KSC Security.
Employees who do not follow the guidelines specified on this sheet and/or who endanger the safety of others may be faced with disciplinary actions, termination, or arrest.
In the event of a contingency, you and your guests must return to your vehicle immediately, and follow directions given by Security and exit the launch viewing site.
Badged employees are responsible for the actions and behavior of all passengers in their vehicle. Non-badged guests must remain with the badged employee at all times.
Follow the parking instructions given by Staff when you arrive at the viewing site. Park only in designated areas as directed by Security and viewing site staff.
Invited guests who arrive in a bus must depart on a bus and return to the original bus boarding location, and guests who arrive in a personal vehicle (POV) must department in the vehicle they arrived in.
Leave the launch viewing site immediately after a launch or scrub, as directed by Security and staff.
Pay attention to all vehicles moving in the area, and people walking in between vehicles.
All vehicles may be subject to random screenings performed by police and security officers.
Employees who bring guests to the viewing site are responsible for ensuring the security and safety of their guests.
Observe all roped areas, barricades, signs, and announcements.
Watch for tripping hazards, jagged edges, pot holes, ant hills and wildlife.
Comfortable clothing and closed shoes are recommended.
Be mindful of dangerous weather conditions. Seek shelter in POV if lightening or other inclement weather is present at
viewing site.
o Phase 1 Lightning Warning: Begin to seek shelter (POV)
o Phase 2 Lightning Warning: You MUST seek shelter (POV)
KSC Emergency Response Actions
Health effects can be more pronounced in people with pre-existing conditions. Your prompt action to direction can make a difference in preventing any adverse health effects.
Computer simulation modeling is conducted throughout the launch countdown to predict potentially impacted areas.
Active real-time monitoring of hazardous material levels at the viewing site is instituted.
Medical personnel are pre-deployed to viewing sites to provide treatments if necessary.
Emergency response plans have been developed and are in place to address contingencies.
In the event of an incident, return to your vehicle quickly and in an orderly fashion.
If your vehicle has air conditioning, close your windows and operate your air conditioning in “recirculate” mode.
If you notice any deposits on you or your vehicle, wash away the deposition as soon as possible after leaving the area.
Risk and Emergency Egress Procedures
Range Safety Procedures are designed to preclude hazards (such as an uncontrollable vehicle, debris and blast or toxic hazards) from reaching the public or workforce in the event of a mishap.
Emergency response plans have been developed to reduce your risk in the event of an accident.
In the unlikely event of a catastrophic incident, debris could emit hazardous materials that could potentially be an exposure concern for visitors at this viewing site.
Only specific accident scenarios and discrete weather conditions are capable of producing a potential exposure of concern.
Whether kayaking or launch viewing with a car pass,
collecting Native American artifacts is strictly prohibited.
Ais Indians of the Space Coast
Launch viewing from kayak, canoe or boat?
Great site for local boat ramps.
(navigates away from this site)
Never forget you are guest in a wildlife sanctuary!
Return Home from Launch Viewing with a Car Pass page
My next book, available on Amazon
(paperback and e-book)
For pet lovers around the globe, "It's a Matter of Luck" is a collection of heart warming stories of horse rescues from the slaughterhouse.
Available on Amazon
It's a Matter of Luck: Inspirational, Heartfelt Stories of Horses Given a Second Chance.
by Kim Ryba & Lina T. Lindgren
Warning: This book may cause your eyes to water in a good way. (speaking from experience after reading it)
Please give Kim and Lina a heartfelt review on Amazon!
Author Bruce Ryba at Kennedy Space Center Launch Pad 39B & Artemis 1. "We are going to the Moon!"
Author's discussion (that's me) on You Tube of a book review on Amazon
For the video versions of information, please check out my YouTube Channel (Turkeys, Flintknapping, dive stories etc.)
My fictional series/stories on Florida history:
Freedoms Quest (book one)
Struggle for the northern frontier and other lost tales of old Florida.
Available on Amazon
Desperate times call for bold action.
In a desperate move to retain Florida and protect the treasure-laden galleons on their dangerous return journey to Europe, the King of Spain issues a royal decree offering refuge to all English slaves who escape Florida and pick up a musket to defend the coquina walls of Saint Augustine.
In another bold gamble, the King offers refuge to the dissatisfied Indian nations of the southeast who will take up arms against the English.
Clans, traumatized by war and disease, cross the Spanish Frontier to settle the cattle-rich land and burned missions of Florida.
Follow the descendants of the conquistador Louis Castillo in remote Spanish Florida, a wild and swept by diseases, hurricanes, and northern invasions.
Book Two: Available on Amazon!